Мировая история медицины



   History of medicine is one of the sections of general history of culture of humanity. It examines development of knowledge, related to the diseases, treatment of human, saving and strengthening of his health. The table of contents of medicine, quality of medical care, its availability and accessability, position of medical workers always depended and depend on the socio-economic conditions of life of humanity, framework of society, development of natural sciences and medical technologies. Therefore, to study the history of medicine and correctly understanding its development is possible only in indissoluble connection with general history of humanity. As modern medicine by the system of scientific knowledge about a health and disease of human in the conditions of its both individual and public life, this science has interdisciplinary character. The biological and social life of human is included in dialectical relationship.

   History of medicine is divided into general, which studies development of medical knowledge and basic trends of medical activity in human society on the whole, and special – development of separate branches of medicine – therapy, surgery and other aspects. As development of medicine depends on the level of development of productive forces and character of relations of productions, basis of exposition of general history of medicine is fixed by epochs and periods, accepted in general history. Though, it cannot be a complete chronologic coincidence.


   Stages in the development of medicine:

-         Medicine of the Primitive Society (early types of medicine)

-         Medicine of the Ancient World

-         Medicine of the Middle Ages

-         Medicine of the Renaissance

-         Early Modern Medicine

-         Medicine in the XX century


   Sources of studying History of Medicine:

-         Written evidence (manuscripts, printed sources, papyruses)

-         Archeological findings (tools of labor, ceramics, human remains)

-         Life of existing prehistoric (aboriginal) societies

-         Multimedia evidence

-         Ethnographic sources (customs, traditions, rituals, folk culture, etc.) 


   The basic purpose of the present manual is to show the history of medicine as an evolutionary process in a definite social, economic and cultural context. Medical activity is represented as an integral part of human lifestyle closely connected with the problems of public health. One of the key-notes highlighted in this manual is a history of physician‘s profession. It is called by ethical, moral and social requirements of modern medicine and medical care. The history of medicine is shown as an integrative discipline that stands on the crossways of medical, social, natural, humanitarian sciences, as well as, religious representations about health, disease and medical care.       

   After assimilation of the course of the history of medicine students must take possession of the following competitions:

-         ability and readiness to analyze the most important trends in the history   of the world medicine;

-         ability to use vital terminology;

-         ability to think logically and analyze medical texts;

-         ability and readiness to implement future medical activity in full accordance with medical ethical norms and principles adopted in a society which contributes to a standards of medical professionalism.      




   History of medicine is one of the sections of general history of culture of humanity. It examines development of knowledge, related to the diseases, treatment of human, saving and strengthening of his health. The table of contents of medicine, quality of medical care, its availability and accessability, position of medical workers always depended and depend on the socio-economic conditions of life of humanity, framework of society, development of natural sciences and medical technologies. Therefore, to study the history of medicine and correctly understanding its development is possible only in indissoluble connection with general history of humanity. As modern medicine by the system of scientific knowledge about a health and disease of human in the conditions of its both individual and public life, this science has interdisciplinary character. The biological and social life of human is included in dialectical relationship.

   History of medicine is divided into general, which studies development of medical knowledge and basic trends of medical activity in human society on the whole, and special – development of separate branches of medicine – therapy, surgery and other aspects. As development of medicine depends on the level of development of productive forces and character of relations of productions, basis of exposition of general history of medicine is fixed by epochs and periods, accepted in general history. Though, it cannot be a complete chronologic coincidence.


   Stages in the development of medicine:

-         Medicine of the Primitive Society (early types of medicine)

-         Medicine of the Ancient World

-         Medicine of the Middle Ages

-         Medicine of the Renaissance

-         Early Modern Medicine

-         Medicine in the XX century


   Sources of studying History of Medicine:

-         Written evidence (manuscripts, printed sources, papyruses)

-         Archeological findings (tools of labor, ceramics, human remains)

-         Life of existing prehistoric (aboriginal) societies

-         Multimedia evidence

-         Ethnographic sources (customs, traditions, rituals, folk culture, etc.) 


   The basic purpose of the present manual is to show the history of medicine as an evolutionary process in a definite social, economic and cultural context. Medical activity is represented as an integral part of human lifestyle closely connected with the problems of public health. One of the key-notes highlighted in this manual is a history of physician‘s profession. It is called by ethical, moral and social requirements of modern medicine and medical care. The history of medicine is shown as an integrative discipline that stands on the crossways of medical, social, natural, humanitarian sciences, as well as, religious representations about health, disease and medical care.       

   After assimilation of the course of the history of medicine students must take possession of the following competitions:

-         ability and readiness to analyze the most important trends in the history   of the world medicine;

-         ability to use vital terminology;

-         ability to think logically and analyze medical texts;

-         ability and readiness to implement future medical activity in full accordance with medical ethical norms and principles adopted in a society which contributes to a standards of medical professionalism.      


INTRODUCTION History of medicine is one of the sections of general history of culture of humanity. It examines development of knowledge, related to the diseases, treatment of human, saving and strengthening of his health. The table of contents of medicine, quality of medical care, its availability and accessability, position of medical workers always depended and depend on the socio-economic conditions of life of humanity, framework of society, development of natural sciences and medical technologies. Therefore, to study the history of medicine and correctly understanding its development is possible only in indissoluble connection with general history of humanity. As modern medicine by the system of scientific knowledge about a health and disease of human in the conditions of its both individual and public life, this science has interdisciplinary character. The biological and social life of human is included in dialectical relationship. History of medicine is divided into general, which studies development of medical knowledge and basic trends of medical activity in human society on the whole, and special – development of separate branches of medicine – therapy, surgery and other aspects. As development of medicine depends on the level of development of productive forces and character of relations of productions, basis of exposition of general history of medicine is fixed by epochs and periods, accepted in general history. Though, it cannot be a complete chronologic coincidence. Stages in the development of medicine: - Medicine of the Primitive Society (early types of medicine) - Medicine of the Ancient World - Medicine of the Middle Ages - Medicine of the Renaissance - Early Modern Medicine - Medicine in the XX century Sources of studying History of Medicine: - Written evidence (manuscripts, printed sources, papyruses) - Archeological findings (tools of labor, ceramics, human remains) - Life of existing prehistoric (aboriginal) societies - Multimedia evidence - Ethnographic sources (customs, traditions, rituals, folk culture, etc.) The basic purpose of the present manual is to show the history of medicine as an evolutionary process in a definite social, economic and cultural context. Medical activity is represented as an integral part of human lifestyle closely connected with the problems of public health. One of the key-notes highlighted in this manual is a history of physician‘s profession. It is called by ethical, moral and social requirements of modern medicine and medical care. The history of medicine is shown as an integrative discipline that stands on the crossways of medical, social, natural, humanitarian sciences, as well as, religious representations about health, disease and medical care. After assimilation of the course of the history of medicine students must take possession of the following competitions: - ability and readiness to analyze the most important trends in the history of the world medicine; - ability to use vital terminology; - ability to think logically and analyze medical texts; - ability and readiness to implement future medical activity in full accordance with medical ethical norms and principles adopted in a society which contributes to a standards of medical professionalism.



   History of medicine is one of the sections of general history of culture of humanity. It examines development of knowledge, related to the diseases, treatment of human, saving and strengthening of his health. The table of contents of medicine, quality of medical care, its availability and accessability, position of medical workers always depended and depend on the socio-economic conditions of life of humanity, framework of society, development of natural sciences and medical technologies. Therefore, to study the history of medicine and correctly understanding its development is possible only in indissoluble connection with general history of humanity. As modern medicine by the system of scientific knowledge about a health and disease of human in the conditions of its both individual and public life, this science has interdisciplinary character. The biological and social life of human is included in dialectical relationship.

   History of medicine is divided into general, which studies development of medical knowledge and basic trends of medical activity in human society on the whole, and special – development of separate branches of medicine – therapy, surgery and other aspects. As development of medicine depends on the level of development of productive forces and character of relations of productions, basis of exposition of general history of medicine is fixed by epochs and periods, accepted in general history. Though, it cannot be a complete chronologic coincidence.


   Stages in the development of medicine:

-         Medicine of the Primitive Society (early types of medicine)

-         Medicine of the Ancient World

-         Medicine of the Middle Ages

-         Medicine of the Renaissance

-         Early Modern Medicine

-         Medicine in the XX century


   Sources of studying History of Medicine:

-         Written evidence (manuscripts, printed sources, papyruses)

-         Archeological findings (tools of labor, ceramics, human remains)

-         Life of existing prehistoric (aboriginal) societies

-         Multimedia evidence

-         Ethnographic sources (customs, traditions, rituals, folk culture, etc.) 


   The basic purpose of the present manual is to show the history of medicine as an evolutionary process in a definite social, economic and cultural context. Medical activity is represented as an integral part of human lifestyle closely connected with the problems of public health. One of the key-notes highlighted in this manual is a history of physician‘s profession. It is called by ethical, moral and social requirements of modern medicine and medical care. The history of medicine is shown as an integrative discipline that stands on the crossways of medical, social, natural, humanitarian sciences, as well as, religious representations about health, disease and medical care.       

   After assimilation of the course of the history of medicine students must take possession of the following competitions:

-         ability and readiness to analyze the most important trends in the history   of the world medicine;

-         ability to use vital terminology;

-         ability to think logically and analyze medical texts;

-         ability and readiness to implement future medical activity in full accordance with medical ethical norms and principles adopted in a society which contributes to a standards of medical professionalism.      




   History of medicine is one of the sections of general history of culture of humanity. It examines development of knowledge, related to the diseases, treatment of human, saving and strengthening of his health. The table of contents of medicine, quality of medical care, its availability and accessability, position of medical workers always depended and depend on the socio-economic conditions of life of humanity, framework of society, development of natural sciences and medical technologies. Therefore, to study the history of medicine and correctly understanding its development is possible only in indissoluble connection with general history of humanity. As modern medicine by the system of scientific knowledge about a health and disease of human in the conditions of its both individual and public life, this science has interdisciplinary character. The biological and social life of human is included in dialectical relationship.

   History of medicine is divided into general, which studies development of medical knowledge and basic trends of medical activity in human society on the whole, and special – development of separate branches of medicine – therapy, surgery and other aspects. As development of medicine depends on the level of development of productive forces and character of relations of productions, basis of exposition of general history of medicine is fixed by epochs and periods, accepted in general history. Though, it cannot be a complete chronologic coincidence.


   Stages in the development of medicine:

-         Medicine of the Primitive Society (early types of medicine)

-         Medicine of the Ancient World

-         Medicine of the Middle Ages

-         Medicine of the Renaissance

-         Early Modern Medicine

-         Medicine in the XX century


   Sources of studying History of Medicine:

-         Written evidence (manuscripts, printed sources, papyruses)

-         Archeological findings (tools of labor, ceramics, human remains)

-         Life of existing prehistoric (aboriginal) societies

-         Multimedia evidence

-         Ethnographic sources (customs, traditions, rituals, folk culture, etc.) 


   The basic purpose of the present manual is to show the history of medicine as an evolutionary process in a definite social, economic and cultural context. Medical activity is represented as an integral part of human lifestyle closely connected with the problems of public health. One of the key-notes highlighted in this manual is a history of physician‘s profession. It is called by ethical, moral and social requirements of modern medicine and medical care. The history of medicine is shown as an integrative discipline that stands on the crossways of medical, social, natural, humanitarian sciences, as well as, religious representations about health, disease and medical care.       

   After assimilation of the course of the history of medicine students must take possession of the following competitions:

-         ability and readiness to analyze the most important trends in the history   of the world medicine;

-         ability to use vital terminology;

-         ability to think logically and analyze medical texts;

-         ability and readiness to implement future medical activity in full accordance with medical ethical norms and principles adopted in a society which contributes to a standards of medical professionalism.